Wednesday, 8 March 2017

horror movie poster (2nd draft)

Since my first draft I have improved many things. When designing this poster I took a lot of constructive criticism into consideration. I including the parental advisory explicit content logo and also spread out the lettering of the tagline. I also changed the font of the title. I did all this as I continued to look at the connotations of official horror movie posters, and came to the conclusions that these things fit better.  The main difference however is the main image which has been improved so the picture can be seen well.

horror film poster 2nd draft (journey)

When I had created my first horror movie poster draft I was informed by many that the main image had the potential to be very frightening. However majority of the feedback I received informed me that the image of the possessed girl was too dark. Therefore within my second draft of a horror movie poster I decided to embed
the image back into the Photoshop cs6 program and brighten the image so it could be made out what the image is but on the other hand also still contain its connotations of darkness and evil.

Monday, 6 February 2017

official horror movie poster (1st draft)

Horror movie poster (1st draft) creation steps

When creating my 1st draft of my official horror movie poster I decided to use many ICT platforms and many design software’s and techniques. As I was familiar with Adobe InDesign I decided to create the official poster on there. I also used Photoshop to edit the main image I decided to use, I cropped out the background of the image and airbrushed the image itself to reduce the pixilation of the image. 

Friday, 20 January 2017

film schedule

Film schedule (January)
21st – evaluate all the improvements needed
As a group we shall be meeting as a group to see what the improvements we shall need
Group members: Hamza Vishal Annika Shweta

22nd – reshoot existing film scenes
Many of the scenes we feel need to be reshot due to bad lighting or bad camera worek will be reshot on this date
Group members: Hamza Vishal Annika Shweta
Props: doll and house

28th - shoot 3 scenes
We shall shoot at least three of the new scenes added to the movie
Group members: Hamza Vishal Annika Shweta
Props: doll and house

29th - shoot 2 scenes
We shall shoot at least two of the new scenes added to the movie

Group members: Hamza Vishal Annika Shweta
Props: doll and house

31st – finish off any scenes
We shall evaluate what we have done and finish of any scenes or shoot a minor scenes and cut aways needed for the editing process
Group members: Hamza Vishal Annika Shweta
Props: doll and house

 Editing shall be done throughout school frees and lunchtime breaks
Free trials of the premier pro software shall be used at home to also improve many scenes 

Monday, 16 January 2017

Shutter (movie poster analysis)

The poster for the movie shutter is one of simplistic design. It shows how u can tell a huge part of the story with one image. The image itself is very impressive as it shows a demonic structure that will play a huge role within the movie but also tells a short story and has a deeper meaning behind it through the pictures within that demonic structure. The poster includes all essential information needed however id the poster included a release date I would recommend this poster as a perfect example for a horror movie poster to create inspiration from through their creative ideas mainly behind the use of the main image.  

The Conjuring (horror movie poster)

                                                                                        The analysis of this poster will play a huge role in the making and the inspiration towards the one I shall create. The movie The Conjuring follows the same features of the movie I wish to produce as my final product. The analysis of this poster has shown me the essential features that will go into the making of a poster for a movie with these specific connotations. Also due to my film including an innocent doll possessing a girl the poster has shown me how to convey that effectively.  

similarities and differences

There are many specific similarities that all genres of movie posters have. As I analysed one sci-fi movie poster and one poster based on a comedy feature. I realised that many of the posters share the same conventions as each other. The posters for all genres of films always include the essential details such as the release date or an indication of the release date, the title of the movie and the main image. The posters also include a strap line giving an indication of what the movie may be about and may also include the use of any specific selling points such as an important actor that has a huge reputation in those genres of films such as the use of Eddie Murphy in a comedic movie. However the posters also differ from horror movies as all the movies as each specify genre has its own representative colour that conforms to tat specific type of movie. For example a horror movie would use dark colours and may use red as its only bright colour but this is due to the colour red having connotations and relations with blood and the devil. On the other had a comedy movie will use much lighter and brighter colours to allow the audience to relax and not have the mind-set of being frightened as this would be the role of a horror movie poster. 

Friday, 13 January 2017

Evaluation questions

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?
The media product I have created is a horror movie. The media product I have created develops many conventions seen within many professional and high budget horror films. The camera shots, angles and movements I have used have been seen throughout many horror films within the past as they convey important messages within the film itself and are essential features that create the fear factor within every horror film, therefore I have used these camera shots, angles and movements as inspiration within my personal film as I have used the shot reverse shot camera work as two of the characters are having a conversation. I developed the use of the shot and manipulated it allowing it to help me. The shot allowed me to save time as I filmed the character dialogues at separate times therefore having much more time focussing on the lighting and emotion from each character individually. Within my camera work I also tried something new and something that rarely been seen before within a horror movie. During my personal research sessions I decided to watch a movie named ‘the revenant’ within this movie they had camera shots where the camera would begin with the character in frame and pan to the left consequently revealing something that the character has already seen and is shocked at. Whilst watching this I the camera shot did everything it intended to do and could also fit within a horror film as the slow pan built suspense and even though the audience may get prepared the slow suspense and build up to the eventual climax which did frighten me. Therefore I decided that this would be an excellent shot to experiment and use within my media product.

Question 2: How did you find the filming process?
Within the film I focused on camera shots, angles and movements. When I decided to take on the role of camera work I decide that I would pay attention to detail. As I decided to do this I researched many camera methods and watched many videos that give tips that allow the filming process to be done with professionalism. The first thing I decided was not going to happen was unsteady camera work. An unsteady camera can be used to a person’s advantage to a certain extent as it causes a fear factor and a panic within the audience. However scenes such as conversations and during the beginning of the movie when we’re setting the scene unsteady camera work could put the audience off the film generally as they would like to see something professional but also force them to be distracted by many other things. One thing that was much harder than expected was the control of lighting within the camera. Even though the lighting was good, many scenes required more and many scenes required less as we decided to manipulate the emotion that high and low key lighting can make the audience feel. For example many scenes using the doll have low key lighting this is to show the audience that even though this is a doll there is darkness that follows it and evil is just around the corner. Before we decided filming we [planned out everything we needed through props and costumes, I also planned out every camera shot and angle I intended to do within each scene of the film itself. However I did change some as once I started doing them I felt a certain angle would look better than the one I initially thought. We also rehearsed our lines during meetings we had and altered the script many times. If there was anything I believe I could have improved was the use of certain camera equipment such as a camera cage that would allow even smoother movement when I moved the camera into certain potions. This would have also allowed the movie to flow a bit better.

Question 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
During certain points within the process of creating my movie I used the power of social media to show my ideas and product for feedback. One thing I have learnt from my audience feedback is that many people that are within the same age category are attracted and are into the same ideas and sub genres of a horror movie. I decide to split my audience feedback within age groups as my initial target audience was teenagers. When I received my feedback I decided to stick with teenagers as my target audience as they were the age group that had chemistry and consistency between them. Things such as the sub-genre of my horror movie were chosen due to the overwhelming attractiveness towards that sub-genre and the demand by my target audience.

Question 4: How did you research using different media technologies? 
Throughout my research and planning stages many different media technologies were used. I used the word processing document for many of my pieces of research and planning but have tried to incorporate them in other ways such as using a software called i movie to indicate how my location and props of my horror movie