Monday, 19 September 2016

Doll face analysis

Plot- the movie begins with an innocent couple plying a game of chess in there house hold. As they play chess there is a knock on the door as the male gets up to open the door he picks up a bow which indicates that it's Halloween. When the man opens the door there is a creepy woman standing in front of the doorway. When the male closes the door the wife/ girlfriend asks if she is still outside the door but as the male goes to open the door the woman is gone and her bag was left behind. The man checks and sees ID which shows the woman to live just around the corner which makes the wife of the man suggest that he returns the bag back to her. It has been a long time and the husband still isn't returned therefore the woman goes to look for him. As she goes to the place where she believes her husband is a women tells her to not move and sit in one place. As she is sitting she sees a chess piece that the husband accidentally took with him as they were playing chess this made the woman get up and look for the man. As she does this she hears screaming that sound like her husband . When she goes to investigate she realised that it's just a tape recording and now the "doll face"is following her. She gets to the cage and sees her husband dead and also sees a woman locked in a cage begging to be released. She releases the Ella and they both try to get away and we realise that the woman she has just released from the cage is the dangerous one and is then killed by the "doll face".
Camera work- the movie begins with a under shot close up of the chess board showing the significance and the innocence of the chess game itself and the couple who because they are playing chess don't really have  much fun or peculiar behaviour in their life. The long shot shows the woman walking into a shop late at night in the dark which creates fear. The close up of the chess piece gives view of the object of significance and that is the chess piece that her husband had. The close up of the legs of doll face showed that she was just behind the lady and was getting closer and closer, this caused fear in the audience as we didn't want the creepy doll face  to get closer. Lastly the close up of the face of doll face as she smiled left the viewers with fear in their hearts.
Mise en scene- the mise en scene used throughout the movie is very accurate. The woman and man are both dressed in casual clothing that indicate there life is very mediocre and isn't full of scary and dangerous surprises. The use of the chess piece was also very effective as it was used in the start of the movie and it is again used to force the woman to be aware that her husband was in fact inside the shop and was in danger. The make up of doll face was also very detailed and scared most people. The lighting used was very effective as the only time we saw close to high key lighting was in. The opening scene of the movie. However throughout the rest of the film low-key lighting was used to create tension and fear.
Sound- the non diegetic sound used was very important throughout the movie. Such as when the man opened the door the music suddenly dropped causing the audience to jump. Sound was also very parallel throughout the movie. Sound was also used very effectively when it was converted from diegetic to non diegetic sound as the woman looked for her husband

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