Thursday, 22 September 2016

'Night,night Nancy' (short horror film review)

Plot- The scene begins with the innocent woman lying in bed as she has just awoken from a nap. As this happens she receives a message from her boyfriend (Josh). They have a casual conversation until Josh asks her for pictures of a road trip that the two embarked on. The woman looks through her phone looking for Pictures from the road trip until she comes across something quite peculiar and weird. The woman sees pictures on her phone taken by someone else of her sleeping in the nap she just had woken up from. From this she realises and believes that's someone is in her house. The woman informs her boyfriend about what she believes is happening but as she is texting this a mysterious figure walks up the stairs wielding a machete. She runs and hides in the wardrobe also attempting to call the police, as she does this she receives a text forcing her phone to make a noise which attracts the psycho to her location within the wardrobe. However the psycho gets distracted, and we think she is safe. The woman then checks the text she just received on her phone and it is revealed to be a picture of Josh (her boyfriend) in a bloody mess with he's face and neck cut open. As the woman is suffering from the shock of seeing this, the light comes on and a hideous man with bandages and blood splattered everywhere utters to the woman "night, night Nancy"
Camera work -  as the movie begins the audience receives a medium shot of the women asleep in her also allowing the phone to be in the shot, as the phone goes off we see the reaction of the woman as she sits up and the camera cuts to the left snoring her from a front view. This is done to show the innocence of the women as all she is doing is checking her messages and hasn't harmed anyone or anything. We see a medium close up of the woman face, this allows the audience to grow fonder of her as she is young, pretty and very innocent. The close up of the phone shows that throughout this movie it will play a big and significant part, the close up also reveals many things that would not be seen if a medium or long shot would've been used such as the background picture on her phone of a male (a boy who we find out is her boyfriend Josh). The medium shot when the woman realised that someone is in her house shows her facial expression but also shows her body which makes the audience feel sympathetic towards her as she is quite petite. The low camera shots following her as she explores the house are also used throughout the film to build suspense and tension, as it allows the audience to have the point of view of the woman and experience the level of fear that she is going through Finally the key whole shot was used very effectively as it allowed the audience to be in the point of view of the woman being attacked, this also creates fear and builds tension. 

Mise en scene- throughout the entire movie the scenes have always used low-key lighting. The low-key lighting is always used as the short horror film introduces the machete wielding psycho quite early on therefore the low-key lighting instantly tells the audience that darkness is here and evil is on its way. The woman wearing grey symbolises many things as grey is described as colour associated with someone or something that is cool and balanced. Grey is also associated with dullness, this relates to the woman as the director wants to tell us that she lives a normal, quite 'dull' life without many things or huge events to change it however what is going to happen to her will. With many things being white in the woman's house it shows that she is quite innocent and shows the purity within her however that purity will be gone and taken very by darkness. The costumes and the props such as the mask, the phone, the machete and the man at the end are all used to good effect. The most effectively used prop and most effected prop used is the phone, the phone is used to tell the story set out the scene and engage the audience. The phone is also powerful enough to introduce us to another character.

Editing - the editing within and throughout the movie is done with great accuracy. The texts appearing on the screen allow the audience to feel closer to the characters and find it easier to read therefore find it easier to engage and understand the story line.  The cuts from the woman to the phone show that the phone will eventually cause her to save herself or put herself into forget danger. The shot reverse shot between the woman and the psycho showed the tension building as we saw the potential horror of the psycho getting her in the closet.

Sound- the non-diegetic sound used throughout the movie was perfect. The music played and edited in was at a high level causing the audience to feel uncomfortable and intensified. The music was also parallel to what was happening in the movie as when the woman was running the pace of the music started to quicken and when she was standing breathing quite heavily the pace of the music did slow down but the volume increased just to show that even though the woman is hiding she is not safe.

Diegetic- the diegetic sound used is also very good as the use of the phone is a great price of creativity by the director and the sound crew. The use of diegetic sound used within the story line shows the importance of sound not just within a horror movie but in everything in general. Little things such as the knocking on the door with the machete by the psycho intensifies the scene as it makes the audience fear as the psycho is getting closer and closer.

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