Friday, 9 September 2016

Concepts within horror movies


The victimisation of children within horror movies is one of the most popular methods used by the creators of the most successful horror movies of all time in order to gain real success and attract real emotion from their audiences. I found a very informative video based on the child within the horror movie 'Hide and seek'

Children are seen as innocent therefore when they are used within horror films it creates a feeling of uncertainty and an uncomfortable atmosphere for the watchers as they are not familiar with seeing children within this light

I have decided to include a Full synopsis and reasons why this particular idea stands out to me

Hide and seek the movie is based on a child and father relationship which instantly has to work due to the mothers unforeseen alleged suicide. The father and daughter move to the countryside in order to deal with the heartbreak of the mother’s death. During this time, the daughter shows weird signs and begins to act in an evil manner.
I like the way this movie is shot and I am a huge fan of the story based around the exploitation of an innocent child as this is what will scare the audience due to the twisted and sadistic story telling that has to be shown in order to make the positive connotations of a child turn into something bad therefore scary and ultimately a huge success.

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